Linux下的 GetTickCount


皮贝贝 posted @ 2010年8月30日 21:40 in 未分类 with tags devil , 2978 阅读

用 DevIL 配合  OpenGL 程序来读取图片文件,结果在处理某些图片的时候总是会崩溃在 ilCopyPixels 调用上。 今天发现在 DevIL 中需要在初始化后调用 ilEnable(IL_CONV_PAL) 来启用调色板, 文档是这样说的:


When enabled, OpenIL automatically converts palette'd images to their base types, e.g. converting to a bgra image.

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KVS 7th Class Questi 说:
2022年9月30日 00:57

The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has provided the KVS 7th Class Model Paper 2023 to all regional students studying at all states and union territories of the country, and the Upper primary education STD-7 sample model paper has provided with an important question to both medium student at their regional language of the school. KVS 7th Class Question Paper The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has provided the KVS 7th Class Model Paper 2023 to all regional students studying at all states and union territories of the country, and the Upper primary education STD-7 sample model paper has provided with an important question to both medium student at their regional language of the school.

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